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RE: After 5 weeks, I finally have my snus again

I’ve never smoked a cigarette and haven’t packed a dip or tried snus. Reading this makes me wonder why so many guys insist on using chewing tobacco rather than snus. Is there anything about snus that isn’t as good as having a big fat dip in?


 3 years ago (edited) 

I was never really into dip, but i suppose there is less of a burn with snus, that's probably difficult to understand as someone that has never done it before. Good job on never touching any of them in your life. In my social circles in high school and college is was basically mandatory.

I think dip is very rednecky and really gross that you basically have to spit a bunch of spit and tobaccy mix into a bottle, cup, or on the ground every few mins. I think snus hasn't caught on in the USA or other places where people chew because people are used to what they are used to. Snus is actually a lot smaller in size so it might not be "enough" for many tobacco users.

Although I’ve never used, I know many who have tried for the first time in front of my face. They winced and have described how it feels. It sounds like an odd feeling that of course can become addictive quite quickly.

I’ve smoked a few black and milds and a shit ton of weed, so I’m not perfect. Everything I’ve done has been on my own accord, I have always been pretty good at ignoring peer pressure. It has led to a lot of pissed of people who were upset that they couldn’t control me. It has also allowed me to gain respect from people while my associates have looked weak for caving under little pressure.

I live in one of the most redneck states, West Virginia. Pretty much everybody I work with dips constantly. All of the work trash cans smell like mint, which is nice… until you look inside of one and realize it’s covered in black spit. Some carry around their baby bottles, but most are just too lazy and know we have custodians to clean up after their messes.

I remember when Snus first came out here… most people who used it were shamed because it wasn’t “as hard” as regular dip. Man people around where I live are so fucking dumb. I try my best to not let living in Appalachia give me a god complex, but when I’m one of the very few around here who isn’t absolute trash… it’s difficult at times.

 3 years ago  

All of the work trash cans smell like mint, which is nice… until you look inside of one and realize it’s covered in black spit

That made me giggle. When i was in high school there were two camps, the smokers and the dippers. I'm from Appalachia as well so I know exactly where you are coming from as far as the redneck stuff applies.

I think back to the days of my first cigarettes as a 15 year old or something and I can still remember how absolutely terrible it made me feel. Giving that everyone feels that way on their first half-dozen ciggies or I would presume dip as well, it is truly remarkable that any of us got hooked. Imagine eating something and it made you woozy, dizzy, and nauseous. You probably wouldn't be rushing to have more of that but for some reason smoking / dip was different.

I haven't lived in the US since 2004 but I hope the childhood smoking rates have declined. It truly is stupid.

As far as "snus shaming" is concerned, that is just bizarre. So you gotta have a big disgusting wad of chaw in your lower lip at all times to be considered a "real man" do ya?

I believe smoking is down, but vaping of course has skyrocketed to take its place.

& you damn right, better be packing some Grizzly or you’re nothing more than a little bitch. It was war between who got their nicotine the most og way.
