 3 years ago  

Imagine if the system of blood donating consisted of informing the donor of its use after it was used, regardless of how long it took to use.

I'm also not sure if bloods of the same type are mixed for larger and easier storage or other procedures that could complicate this process of tracking and informing, so I'm not entirely sure if it would even be possible.

My thinking regarding this is more people might be lining up to donate blood if they knew their donation was actually being used as intended.

I bet someone would feel pretty good if they got a letter saying they saved someone's life because of their blood donation.

The intention and possibility is still there though bro, so it's entirely possible and even likely that your donations have saved lives and may continue to do so.

 3 years ago  

Well, that defeat the purpose of "donate" doesn't it 🤣 two times in my life, I was "sent" to donate blood for someone whom I know. Both incident I had it because of friend and family had a surgery, and the private hospital told the family we'll have to find someone to "replace" their stock, or we gonna get charge a bomb. In a way, my blood helped to "relief" the medical bill for the friend and family. How do you think I can feel good after I'm knowing that bag of blood actually has a price tag to it? Also, my bag of blood is actually going to split into plasma, platelets and red cells. So, the hospital is actually getting back 3 bags from me 🤣 and private hospital does give recognition to "donors" because these idiots helped to stock up their blood banks like my friend and family used 2 bag from the hospital and I actually supplied total of 6 bags(from the two donations) to them 🤣

I got pass that and decided I will never do that again for the private hospitals. All my donation goes to the crooked government, the national blood bank. I don't wanna know the blood goes to who anymore, as long they remain free for the person who needs it. That person doesn't need to thank me, because God already rewarded me with a "qualified" to donate body, until next time 😁