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RE: 🤳 Video Tour Of Our Place In Steung Kach, Cambodia ⛰️


A lot of potential! The blank space between the buildings, I have a picture of several topless hot guy doing volleyball 🤪 must be influenced by Top Gun.

That Airbnb place looks marvelous and coming along nicely. Originally I thought the hammock hut was in between your brick house and the Airbnb. Not bad too, as you showed there should be a staircase leading down the stream.

 3 years ago  

Nothing makes things more clear than a video tour. Once the place is finished and we have guests in all the spaces, I'll be playing lots of topless hetero volleyball for sure. We found a guy the other day that may want to rent one of our hammock huts as a simple home, would be some small but much needed fiat.