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RE: Beautiful and Sublime Sunday- Building the Habit of Gratitude in My Life


I'm sorry to hear for your situation. May grandpa get well soon. It seems like a super busy day attending so many patients. And sorry for the food you ordered, according to your description, and the photo attached, I wouldn't finish it even it was preached in the family to not waste food. On the side note though, haven't seen Carrefour for a decade! That Baklawa looks nice too.

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much for your words of comfort. He's doing better now and he just got discharged which is a good thing. Yup it's always busy during the weekends. Hahahaha, I'm glad that you were even able to read up to there. The Baklawa saved the day for me.

Thanks for dropping by and I hope that you are having a wonderful week!