It's great to see this place in video. I absolutely love the white noise coming from the river.
Do you think there will be a market for the bungalow on AirBnB? Will the guests be able to get supplies from nearby shops or are there any restaurants around?
I never thought of it as white noise until you mentioned it. The first week it was definitely a rushing river sound, but now that we've lived for awhile the sound has become more like white noise, and despite being a stone's throw from the highway, a passing semi-truck laying on the airbrakes doesn't even wake me up at night.
There is nothing of scale around here for at least 30 minutes in any direction, but that will kind of be a blessing, because once we have a dorm room and tent sites, I think we can host enough guests for them all to socially interact with one another and create a bit of social scene here. Eventually we'll have a cafe and laundry services, moto rentals, and hopefully be able to earn extra income from all these things.