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RE: 🦁 Cambodian Mountain Lion Watches Valley Below For Prey 🦌


I once witnessed a cat killing a mouse. They seem quite sadistic with it, toying with their prey for ages before finally decapitating it with surgeon-like precision. The one I saw went into some sort of bloodlust trance making strange sounds while doing the procedure. It didn't even eat very much of the mouse either. This cat seemed to kill merely for the joy of killing.

 last year  

Meow used to dispatch them quickly, and she still does, but only baby mice, guess because they put up little fight and die quickly. The rats and adult mice give Meow a challenge and are more difficult to swallow, but luckily her vegan diet means she leaves no prey uneaten. My friends' cats in the US kill things and never eat them, I assume because a cat food diet takes all the primal instincts away.