Meeting 3 good doggies: The highlight of my short vacation so far


I have one really good friend that lives in Phuket, Thailand. I have known and been active friends with this person longer than anyone else in my adult life. We get along wonderfully and always have. We keep in touch although we haven't lived in the same city for a very long time at this point. He has come to see me once in Da Nang and this is now my 2nd time visiting him. We joke about hos I am "winning" now and he needs to step up his game.

I didn't really come to Phuket in order to enjoy Phuket. I think the island is a pretty wonderful place but just like Da Nang, the experience is often ruined by there just being too damn many people here. So things that tourists might be itching to do such as go and hang out on the beach and go do some other tourist stuff is something that I never really want to do. I hate crowds, I hate hunting for parking spots, I hate being harassed by vendors to spend money, and honestly, I don't particularly care for being in the sun for a prolonged period of time.

So when my old friend informed me that he had a co-worker/ friend that has their own pool and a bunch of cute dogs the choice was easy: Let's go do that!


This one is named "Khao pat" which means "fried rice" in Thai. The name seemed a bit silly until I met the other 2 buddies that also live here. Khao pat is the most attention-seeking of the 3, and before I left there was a point where he was sleeping on my lap and getting belly rubs.


This is "Khao Sueye" which means plain rice in Thai. Once learning the second name the first one just became a lot cuter. Khao Sueye is a bit more stand-offish and reluctant to approach and when I first arrived she was barking at me like I was an intruder. That's ok though, she is a Chihuahua and that is kind of their job, isn't it?


Last but certainly not least we have "Khao tom" which means "rice pudding" in Thai. The whole naming convention of having all of their names be a staple of the Thai food community is fantastic and the humor is definitely not lost on me.

It was really tough to get them all in one shot because when you approach them as a group the poodle and the beagle are always competing for attention and the Chihuahua gets aggravated at their running around and starts to bark. So I sat down and let them approach me one-by-one.

These dogs have a super luxury life. The house they live at is more like a sprawling compound with a rather massive garden, well for Phuket anyway, and virtually all aspects of their lives are air-conditioned. The person who owns this house and land is a very successful land and property-developer and has spared no expense as far as their home is concerned. The fact that I was greeted with a bottle of champagne instead of being offered some water or tea speaks volumes.

I am not a luxury kind of guy though, but it was appreciated. I was more thrilled about the 3 fluffy friends who were all around.


I don't normally play favorites with dogs but let me explain why Khao Pat was the one that I liked the most: "Pat" was cool with a stranger that was sitting with her human mom and would wait for you to beckon him before just jumping on you all the time. The beagle "Tom" was a little too eager for attention (which I gave him plenty of when I arrived) but just like when many dogs of this breed, there is no such thing as "enough" attention so he ended up getting told off by him human mom and made to go sit somewhere else. He also sheds a lot and well, after 11 years of having a dog that doesn't shed, this is something that kind of annoys me. Don't worry, Khao Tom got LOTS of belly rubs before I left.


It was just kind of tough to compete with Khao Pat who was the perfect blend of cute, calm, and not to mention, perfectly clean.

I was told by the owner that they have a groomer that comes by twice a week to keep the dogs in perfect order and let's just say that it was noticed by me.

The Chihuahua was adorable of course, but poor Khao Sueye has got the same characteristics of nearly every dog of this breed that I have ever met.


They tend to be quite untrusting of anything or anyone new, so sometimes so much as approaching them can put them on the defensive and then they go into a yapping session that wont end until the owner intervenes. I probably would have liked to get to know Khao Sueye a bit better but I wasn't going to be there long enough to really make this happen.

It is nice to see someone that is doing well in life have 3 wonderful doggy friends in their house though. I do love dogs, so this was a lot more fun than many of the other things that me and my friend have gone to do. It's a pity that because this island is so insane with traffic, that it is really unlikely that I will return to see these dogs again. I guess I am just glad I got to meet them at all

 12 hours ago  

Based on the description and photos, Khao Pat does looks for petting a lot imo 🥰 so sweeeeeeet

They look so cute and adorable. I bet they are made heads turn. Dogs differ in temperament, some dogs are very friendly and trusting even among strangers while others are more wary of them and will be on a defensive mode most of the time. That is natural. T

very cute , dogs can relieve are stress , they very adorable and nice to be a pet , we have also a dog , we love him very much , thanks for sharing your experience , have a nice day

wow what an adorable and amazing pets, i really enjoyed reading your post and learning about pets different characters they were all so cutee specially that one named "khao pat", I really like their name with its meaning because I wasn't expect they were all at the same category, and I was likee "woww the names were so cute and has it's meaning too" maybee soon i will do the same thing to my pets hehe i was really amaze by it. By the way i was blown away after knowing how expensive these dogs life is and the owner all i can say is they actually living thier best lifee, well back to the pets I really adore how khao pat the "fried rice" were so cute and clean and looks like my aunts dog:>

 8 hours ago  

Well I am always happy to see a post about happy dogs being treated well by a good owner 😃

It sounds like the owner of the house with the pool is the one who is winning! :) The way you describe it, it is a pretty amazing place. The dogs are super cute too. I can see why you would gravitate towards the poodle. The beagle is quite cute as well though. I'm glad this trip is going well for you so far. A quick time at the airport, plus dogs, it's like a dream vacation!

The dog is so adorable,and so lovely this would be the kind of dog that is worth spending for their food.

Khao Pat is so cute, I want to hug that dog, so adorable, just like a stuff toy. By their looks it's obvious they have luxury life.

That 3 dogs are simply living the life I wanted to have hahaha. Chillin' while being love by parents, no problem to face at all (only to great intruders tho and warn them), to sleep and eat whenever they want 😂. I wish to have that life but I'm grateful to be a human, lol. The owners are so witty to gave those names to a pet 🥰, it may seems so silly but it sound good haha. Hopefully you will still see them next time and that won't be the last, because I think they love you and the welcomed you so warm. Just like you, they enjoyed your company ☺️.

What a very unique name for a dog "fried rice" and "plain rice". And another one "rice pudding" hahaha. It's very hilarious. I am very amused.