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RE: I bowl a near 200, the gobbler changes hands twice, and Nadi goes for her first post-surgery walk


oh that's great that you got to see Maverick in the theater. Unless someone has one hell of a home system I really don't think it would be at all the same experience.

Nadi barks a lot at other dogs or really any animal. This was more amusing when I lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand on the ground floor in a house. There was always something to bark at but just like your dog, when Nadi is actually face-to-face with another dog she is either afraid or quickly loses interest in them. She hates being around young dogs that want to play because at nearly 10 years old, her playing with other dogs days are long behind her. Mostly she just wants to sit somewhere and watch the world go by.


Our dog is exactly the same way. I just mentioned in your other post that she rarely even plays with her toys anymore. Sleeping seems to be her favorite pastime now.