Quite a lot actually. We did go to a sports bar to try to watch NFL but then I realized what I should have presumed: I am in Mexico and nobody here gives a damn about american football. We did get a game on but I think it just annoyed the bartender so I have just been watching a game here and there at my parents' place.
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Haha, that is pretty funny. Yeah, I think they care more about soccer down there. There is a guy on Hive that used to live in Wisconsin or Minnesota and he moved down to Mexico and started a sports bar down there. I don't remember what area now. It's probably hundreds if not thousands of miles away from where you are. It would have been cool if it was close. I think he pulled his stake on here a bit ago though.
Yeah they love the soccer here and it is understandable why. It seems as though there is a great deal of poverty here and that is a sport where you don't really need any equipment in order to play.
That is a good point. I have a hard time staying engaged with soccer. It's just so boring and off-sides is about the most confusing thing I have ever tried to understand in my life!
offsides is a tough one. I was pretty good as soccer in high school and did some officiating in that time as well. Offsides is a really tough concept to explain to people and the way that the pros will do offsides "traps" makes it even more difficult for the layman to understand.
Mostly, even though it was the sport I sucked the least at as a youth, I just think any game where the final score can be and often is a 0-0 tie, isn't much fun to watch for an hour and a half.
I think you are definitely right about that last part. It reminds me of one of my favorite Simpson's episodes where major league soccer comes to Springfield.