Nature Photograph - Travel to Parangtritis Beach


Hi everyone back again with me @harisfaris. In this post I want to show you my beautiful and fun photos last Saturday. Last Saturday, my girlfriend and I visited Parang Tritis beach. Saturday for some people is the most appropriate day for a date with a girlfriend, we happened to choose the beach for a walk.

Parang tristis is one of the beaches located in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Parang tristis is also a tourist place that is most widely known by the people of Jogja itself and even people outside of Yogyakarta. This is caused by many things, including the mystical stories contained in it and this beach is the closest beach to the city of Jogja itself.

**a little mystical story about the beach**

The mystical thing found on this beach is, it is said that this beach has a guard, namely Nyi Roro Kidul. Nyi roro kidul was once the son of a king who had a very severe skin disease, the disease was so severe that it took his mother's life. In sad times about losing his mother, he accidentally overheard the king's conversation, namely his own father and his father's advisor. The conversation contained the expulsion of Nyi Roro Kidul from the Kingdom because he was worried that his illness would infect people around him and even the king himself. Finally Nyi Roro Kidul decided to run away from the Kingdom and went to the south coast. When he got there he felt tired and very tired, and he fell asleep. In his sleep he dreamed that his illness would be cured by touching and drinking the sea water of the south coast, and it turned out that his illness was cured instantly. After that he no longer returned to the Kingdom, he instead settled on the south coast and became the ruler there.

He said when we came to the south coast it was forbidden to wear green clothes, because it would offend Nyi Roro Kidul who herself wore green clothes. However, even though the story is just mystical, the average community appreciates the legendary story in the village by not wearing green clothes.

**Information about the beach**

South Beach or Parangtritis beach is one of the beaches that can be used for surfing and swimming. The average beach located in Yogyakarta is a rocky beach, but only beaches in Bantul are mostly used for swimming, one of which is Parangtritis beach. Maybe because it makes more immigrants visit this beach.

Migrants who come here are diverse, ranging from class groups of school children, families, local communities and so on. The distance from the city of Jogja to Parangtritis is only about 25 KM and takes 40 minutes. Therefore, if you come to Yogyakarta, don't forget to visit this beach. Enough up here today's writing, hope you guys feel entertained and Thank you.



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 3 years ago  

pake hashtag #proofofbrain bro biar dpt pob token juga kl posting