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RE: Hopeless to Hopeful

I’m sorry if I didn’t continue to read the whole because it stresses me out to know this kind of story like I can’t handle the my emotion when I read how she was sexually and physically abused by her father. I’m so broken right now like I wanna cry because life is tough to her and she’s unfortunate for having a devil father. I can’t imagine the trauma she’s living with since her childhood days and I couldn’t imagine how she handled her chaos childhood. My heart goes out to her. I wish that she will be supported by the government because it’s never too late to start a new life. She’s still young to build a dream and make it come true. I wish she’ll forget her past, I know it isn’t easy, but with a strong emotional support system, she can do it.


I'm also very sorry @iamshane48788 that you were affected by her story and thank you for your encouraging words. Our main goal is for her to heal and recover:)