O my goodness, sanaol friend! Me too, I wish I could buy a new phone because mine is too lag na. I'm using an iPhone 6Splus since 2016. This is an old model but didn't experience some more Serios issues, just these days that I can’t take pictures properly maybe its battery is degrading.
This post is an inspiration to focus more friend.
Your children’s eyes tell us that they are so happy to bond with their mom and also for the treat. I also feel how happy you are seeing them enjoying the day with you. You're a supermom! God bless and I wish to see your more success.
I just know you worked with a call center before. It's giving me a throwback when we spent a lot at humanatic with graveyard shift but we earned less. Peakd, Steemit and Dbuzz are a huge blessing. It's a home for us.