 3 years ago  

Thank you... luckily, we are here on the mountains that we´re able to have such kind of view. Many thanks for dropping-by.

I never been to Spain or any other country in the South! Btw, Are you Filipino?

You guys are lucky! ✨🔆☀️🌿

 3 years ago  

Yes dear, I was born in Cebu City but I grew up in Manila. Thanks for being here.

Nyay!I'm not from Cebu but I live here for over 3 years na. Nice to meet you here 🤗 Can't wait to see more of your life dira na side po. Wait, diba gabie na diha?

Goodnight from here po 😊

 3 years ago  

Midnight na... time check: 00:41 (25.11.2021) . Buntag namo diha! Maayong adlaw!

Yessss.. Salamat 🤗