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in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY โ€ข 2 years ago

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ใฃโ—”โ—กโ—”)ใฃ โ™ฅ So Here we go โ™ฅ

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I joined here because my uncle @psychkrhoz urged me to be a member of and start blogging. In this platform I can share new ideas and knowledge to people and ultimately be of inspiration to them.

Sort: ย 
ย 2 years agoย ย 

Welcome to hive, you got a lot of nice fonts. I would like to know where to get that..heheh

Hive is a little bit complicated but I'm sure your uncle will help you.
There are also many guides here that you can read.Hello, welcome to Hive @johanegrei25!

Tons of communities here in Hive and for Filipinos like us, there's HivePH community.
I'm sure you can find something that suits you.
See you around!

Thank you will do !!

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Welcome to hive @johanegrei25!

Thanks for the warm welcome

Congratulations on making your first post on Hive and welcome to this amazing community!Hello @johanegrei25 ! This is @chillwithshanna from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team.

We have a lot of Communities you can subscribe to which are all categorized based on interest or topics. Share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other peopleโ€™s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

Happy Blogging!

ย 2 years agoย ย 

That is very interest front style and I want to know how to do that. Please help to share me. !hiqvote



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Hello! Welcome to hive.
I know you will enjoy here๐Ÿค—

Thank youu

ย 2 years agoย ย 
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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