While investigating family Hive statistics today, I discovered that my daughters now earn more than Cambodian minimum wage, which is around $200.00 USD.
📈 HiveStats.io, An Awesome Tool 📉
First of all, if you've never visited the site HiveStats.io, I highly recommend you check it out. There is a wealth of information that you can use to see your how your Hive journey has progressed over time. I particularly like looking at author rewards and curation rewards for the last 30 days. Just plug in your username and you're on your way.

👩🏭 Big Efforts Rewarded 🙌
As Hive is more-or-less a full-time job for my wife and I, at least until we return to Cambodia, it is nice to view our earnings as if it were a monthly salary. The best part is we have now reached a point that when we return to Cambodia, we can live modestly just from passive earnings via Polygon and BSC yield farms.

Out of curiosity, I plugged in the @kidsisters username to see what my daughters' earnings have been the last 30 days. I was shocked to see their author rewards were $197.88 USD and curation rewards were $21.97 USD, creating a combined 3--day total of $219.85 USD in Hive rewards. This may not seem like a lot of money depending where in the world you live, but it's actually enough to provide for a family of 4 in Cambodia, our former and soon-to-be-again home.
What To Do With All This Crypto? 🧠
Since there is little want to see, do, or buy in Suriname, we have no need to withdraw large amounts of crypto, so we've just been living on the bare minimum while we plot our return to Cambodia where we will buy land. As for our daughters' fortune, they also don't want to buy much in Suriname with it. So far the only crypto they've used was to repair their iPads a few times.
We have arranged a deal with our daughters that we will trade them fiat for any HBD they want offload at any time. As long as they are using the fiat for reasonable things, they are totally free to power down anytime they want. I have tried to be only a crypto guide, and luckily they mostly want to grow their crypto savings in order to retire at a young age.
So far they have accumulated a net Hive account worth of $3,416.00 USD, already enough to buy a decent chunk of land in the Cambodian countryside. Now that Monkey-B has made her first post nearly solo, she'll be able to share the Hive load with her sister Srey-Yuu, and eventually they hope to post 7 days a week.
I don't follow her Splinterlands progress much, but I know Srey-Yuu has amassed an account worth $1,000+ USD, and she's also got a few hundred bucks in yield farms off-Hive. How many 12-year-old kids do you know that have earned almost $5,000 USD in a year? This makes my wife and I very happy, I guess because we are quite financially poor, but yet our kids have more financial assets than any of our friends' kids.
If things go as planned, these girls are going to have an exponentially better life than their mother and I, and the Hive blockchain was/is the springboard for it all.

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This is the best example of the power of Hive.. When they grow up.. Imagine their Hive power grows a lot.. then they will earn much higher wages. It is really good to prepare kids when they are young on financial education. They have bright futures ahead.. Congrats.. =) 😝😝😝Have a great day.
It is incredible to think the @kidsisters may have a stress-free future from the age of 18, and be free to pursue things than bring them joy in life powered by their passive income and Hive-blogging. Meanwhile in the USA, my relatively wealthy friends will spend nearly all they have to send their kids to an overpriced university which they will have to work a lifetime to pay off all the debt acquired by choosing this lifestyle. Give thanks.
I do agree with your vision for your daughters... Financial education has to start young . Life isn't always about material wants but happiness too. I think in the society now, everyone is constantly chasing after wealth and comparing with others that it becomes a constant chase that leads to unhappiness. US universities are overpriced? Do the government have any subsidized programs? In Malaysia, for those who cannot afford university, there are a couple of options, get a government loan to be paid in the future when they work but can be in really long installments with no interest charged. Second method is just go to the local government university for almost free. Or the vocational college where the students are paid allowances every month. I guess here, no one is left out from education someway or the other. Thanks for writing such a insightful comment. =) slowly putting together bits of what the US is like. It is not what I originally know.
A university education from a "cheap" school in the US can leave you in debt til your 50s if you're lucky. There are no free or cheap options, joining the military, getting good grades and/or or getting a sports scholarship are about the only ways for poor people to get a higher education. It is still part of our culture that higher education is a privilege and not a right, and I couldn't disagree more, but that 's just another example of why I left the USA.
At least in India they acknowledge their caste system, but in many countries like the USA, a caste system exists which is never spoken about or acknowledged. I almost had a scholarship for soccer to Australia, but something in my heart changed, and I decided not to the typical university-career-retirement life. It has come with great hardship, but I ultimately have no regrets.
Hi hi.. Justin.. ooo.. wow.. revelations for me. I never knew that in the USA, education is for the privileged till now. I have heard from some of my Filipino friends who I used to work with in Brunei that in the Philippines, there is even free education. That is pretty tough for those who are not born into wealthy families if they were born into poorer families in the USA. It is not their fault to be in poor families.
Australia is a great country but the only thing it doesn't feel as friendly as the people in Asia. Shops close really early. High tax. Expensive lifestyle. I have been there a couple of times and it doesn't feel lively as all especially at night although the shops are well designed. In Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur or even places like Taiwan, Hong Kong .. 1am at night is still happening.
The strange thing is the last time I went to Sydney a couple of years back. I was pretty excited to go to this zoo, "Taronga zoo" but arrived there late. All the animals were unavailable for viewing and it was around 2 pm. The sign " the gorilla is resting". Koala bears resting and so on. I was like, "it's 2pm " everyone's closing for business. And there are no cheap food to eat. It's all those posh high-class places. I don't really like high class places with fine dining. A plate of a few grapes with some drizzle of sauce for 10 bucks or 20 bucks. I think the diner just pays more for the experience rather than the food. I think Cambodia also is a great place to be at. =) People are not too materialistic. Happiness even with the smallest things. Have a great day, Justin. Thank you very much for such an insightful comment. =)
Socialism for the rich and corporations, and capitalism for the poor, as I like to say. I wouldn't say the USA is too different from your experience in OZ.
Imagine your PIZZA power (from staking PIZZA) grow a lot because of accumulating them. 😏
Here's a !PIZZA for the PIZZA lover! 😁
Luckily, you let me know .. I am going to be staking all of it and using them for calling ... =)
You just need 20 PIZZAs to be able to share 0.1 PIZZA up to 10 times a day. 😏 Nevertheless, if you have 200 PIZZAs, you will be able to share 0.1 PIZZA up to 20 times a day. 🤓
Here's another !PIZZA for the PIZZA lover! 😁
Amazing! This is the commencement of the globalised citizen. Content creators have predominantly profited of YouTube videos and the like but with Decentralised Social Media a better system has been developed that sees those profits more diversified and reaching more people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not sexy enough to earn from mainstream social media, but this turban-wearing ginger has found a welcome home on Hive, and I can't wait to bring more Cambodians into the ASEAN Hive Community. I think it's safe to say Cambodia and Laos are the most underserved SE Asian countries when it comes to computer literacy, crypto awareness, etc.
So now your responsibility is to pay it forward, Justin.
Find a few talented people like yourself with skills and change their lives.
I do feel a sense of responsibility or obligation, especially for our return to Cambodia. Specifically for Hive, there is a lack of Cambodian content creators. I would really love to open a 1 or 2-hour after-school program to combine English/computer literacy/photography/crypto/Hive-blogging.
Perhaps I'm a bit of a dreamer, but I'd like to turn a whole village on to crypto, and get local people to learn how to make crypto transactions via smartphones. Already, banking and access to cash are big problems for those living way out in the countryside.
If we lived in area like this, and could offer a buyback service for crypto, or better yet, make it so the school and perhaps our restaurant accept crypto payments at a cheaper rate than USD/Cambodian riel.
This would give a more tangible sense of value to locals. In this way, somebody that holds some crypto but doesn't want to study or buy anything from us, could sell it to a local kid who could use it. I have so many ideas, but what will and will not work will only crystalize when we are there on the ground. There are also some laws concerning crypto in Cambodia now, so if what we're doing becomes too public, the government will want to get involved.
You mentioned talented people, and I think there are many in Cambodia, they just need an opportunity, so I really hope we can provide that. Already I get a lot of joy from the ASEAN Hive Community and how many lives it has impacted. Thanks again for being a part of my Hive journey in the very beginning, and especially for giving some sage advice.
There are talented people in every country however it is hard for most to visualize the path of honesty and hard work. Often hardship or circumstances in their life show them a path that is short and dishonest. We see them in hive too. People get rewards and they sell rewards. Thinking that’s fine as this is magical internet money. No it’s not. It is our hard earned money. The stakeholders money that they keep powered up so that hive has value. There is no other source of money.
This is very true. I am surprised that my daughters have chosen to only spend less than 5% of their crypto earnings so far. This is only because they can see the future value of what HODLing can do. We have a cousin Hive-blogging in the Cambodian countryside, and we've set him and guided exclusively through the internet from abroad.
He is able to survive day-to-day on what he earns locally, so he likes the fact that his crypto is harder to access, as it makes it more likely he will save it for the future. I think this is a good approach to show other Cambodians, live on what you have and build up this crypto nest egg on the side. It's all nice to envision but there's no way to know how such an experiment will go unless we attempt it. I am very optimistic.
This is an inspiring story!
Crypto is a revolution, especially developing countries!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, the tech is already in place, even a rice farmer can afford a $10 Chinese smartphone. There is only the education gap, and I would really like to open some kind of English/computer literacy/photography/crypto/Hive-blogging after-school program once back in Cambodia. Thanks for stopping by and showing some love.
Wow I am impressed!Congratulations, you have taught her well, their are financially educated and will build themselves a better future. This is a story that even adults could learn from
Usually it takes multiple generations to climb out of poverty like we are in, but I think our daughters will be so financially stable, that going to university would only land them a job making less than they do blogging and crypto staking. I really think my oldest might be a good teacher's assistant if I re-open our school in Cambodia.
May God help them, I am always super happy when I read about families who manage to get out of poverty and thrive. Your kids will do great and you are awesome parents for introducing them to crypto!
I guess it hasn't been realized yet, but it's hard not imagining the possibility at the moment. Thanks for the kind words.
That's amazing. I remember when they first started and they were just learning English. They have come so far. I'm so excited you are all going back to Cambodia.
It seems like no time at all, but when I remind myself it's been three years outside Cambodia, then it makes a bit of sense. We've had so many years of our lives taken away from us, and I can't wait to get back and reclaim all the lost fun we have to make up for. There is going to be some epic Cambodian content coming soon....
This also showcases the great power of drastically lowering living expenses. I hope you can continue to grow and actually get some land in Cambodia!
Even Colombia is expensive by international standards, but compared to North America or western Europe, it's a huge decrease in cost of living. Cambodian land is super cheap now thanks or no thanks to the loss of tourism for so long, so we hope to get there in time before the prospective market drives prices back up, because then we'll be shut out. Fingers crossed 🤞
May the universe direct your timing!
This is so amazing! Hive is a life changing project!
I certainly couldn't have imagined that when I first started on Steemit, spending several hours on a post to earn 30 cents, but boy have things changed since then. Hive is literally rebuilding my family's lost life savings.
Thanks for sharing this @justinparke and I am happy for you! The future is bright!
My pleasure, I can't help but be optimistic. It'll seem more tangible once I've climbed out of the flying aluminum can and touch Cambodian soil.
You will! Just stay optimistic!
Interesting posts I like, why did the goat enter the house.
He was trying to learn more about blockchains and crypto, but unable to articulate himself with such a limited vocabulary, then ate some banana peels and left.....baah..baaah...baah
You and your family really inspire me. Giving early education on the crypto world and living the life on your current situation really inspire me, you are a great person and an awesome parents! I am praying onto your success for your new home and new land in the future! :) And your kids, they are amazing! Have a great day my friend. !PIZZA !LUV
@justinparke, you've been given LUV from @tawadak24.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)
Thanks for the luv and pie. Such nice words to hear, this made my day. Considering what we've experienced the last three years, I can't imagine anything else but success when we return to Cambodia. We are hungry for it more than ever. As long as I live long enough to see my daughters have a stable future in which they will never have to seek employment outside themselves for financial independence, I will be a satisfied Dad.
That's even more than a middle age crisis balding guy's earning 🤣
I am one happy Dad. Haha, well I can say I do hope to leave Suriname before I lose my hair. Things are 10x to 35x more expensive than Cambodia here, so it will be nice to upgrade our standard of living by that much very soon. One goal of mine for Cambodia is to introduce the youths to Hive, crypto, and how to earn and learn online with a $10 Chinese smartphone from the middle of the rice fields.
This inspired us to post and engage more on blockchain platform to generate addition of earning.😊 Would like to share this post in my twitter feed.
Thank you my friend, it's all about engagement, I think that's a huge component of what has driven ASEAN Hive to to the 25th highest rewarded Hive community.
you have been a revolutionary guide for your children, glad they learned cryto at an early age, I'm sure they will become experts in cryto in the future
I can only dream of how much smarter they will be than me, our oldest is also learning Java Script and even has sold a few NFTs.
Wow! That's a lot of money for a 12 year old kid. Imagine that she's earning more than the minimum wage at a very young age.
Your kids are lucky to have a good parents like you. They are learning and earning a lot. Thanks to Hive! I am also grateful of Hive for every centavo I am earning. 😊😊
Congratulations to your happy family! May your dreams come true in acquiring a land in Cambodia and have a modest living. 🙏🙏🙏
Happy weekend!
Hive is a different experience for those living in countries like the Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc. In countries like these we can actually earn our living from Hive-blogging, and I think that causes us to respect Hive very much. Even though I don't agree with the concept of owning land, the whole was divided up like pizza slices long before I was born, so it is a necessary evil I must deal with so that I can escape the grip of slumlords. Thank you my friend.
Very true! Coz Hive is helping us a lot! I am super grateful about it! We are earning monetary value at the same time earning virtual friends. 😊🥰
It is more important to have own land for family's home.
Yes, I would certainly rest easier at night when I've cashed out a portion of my crypto to buy land, build a house, and start a garden. I still haven't used my crypto for much real-world physical purchases.
It's so heartwarming. They've learned to earn their own way. I hope my granddaughter will do the same. She's too busy with her modules as of now but she already knows what am doing. They will have a good future with Hive with your guidance of course. What a nice family of Hivers! God bless you guys!
Thank you, well I'm sure when time is right, if your granddaughter wants to learn Hive, she couldn't have a better rolemodel and teacher than you.
Excellent example and legacy are left to their girls @justinparke I congratulate them, they make a very beautiful crypto family, I hope that the abundance and blessings always accompany them and they can return to Cambodia in the best possible condition. A pride to see those girls so applied!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks, there have definitely been ups and downs along the way, but I am proud to have seen them stick with it. Now that Monkey-B has made her first post via @kidsisters, she can now take the load off her sister now and then by contributing some content of her own. 🙏
How beautiful! God bless your girls, greetings and hugs to Monkey-B and @kidsisters, my congratulations to you as parents for teaching your girls from an early age to be financially independent.
Happy Sunday!
Give thanks, I am honored by your comment.
Your daughters is really amazing. So it means both of her parents are amazing too. You are all indeed an inspirations to all of us. Im so thankful to hive for meeting your whole family here. I am really inspired and motivated by all of you. I will continue to do great things here just like you did. Keep safe always and God bless you and your family more.😊😊😊
Aww, thanks. I am surprised to think of how many people our Hive journey has impacted. I am honored to be able contribute to to the livelihood of many people via the ASEAN Hive Community.
Your welcome my friend.
wow amazing, that is great achievement. i do not such a big amount of that for hive earning
You'll get there my friend. For me, I noticed a major uptick in post payouts after I passed a rep score of 70. I am so proud of my daughters, but there have definitely been times where they wanted to give up on Hive. Luckily they pursued past a tough start, and are now reaping what they've sown.
I'm so glad to see how Blockchain technology is arising globally and hoe people for every part of the world can get rewards with it, HIVE is a great player in this aspect, i wish you the best for you and your family, keep going 👍🙏😎
PS. You guys are a great crypto family
It is definitely equal to all regardless of borders in some sense. It is more difficult for those in certain countries to convert crypto to fiat, but I hope to eventually create an NGO or service of some sort to purchase crypto from Cambodians. This could change the lives of many in the rice fields, and give them access to some of the same means those in the urban areas have. Thanks for the inspiring comment.
You are right, the thing is with crypto is easier to transfer value without bank restrictions as we all know we can send tokens to milles away in a blink , people will get used to it little by little, good luck in your project looks pretty good
Its so great! Hive change people's lives who work hard in it. Good luck for you family.
It's true, but it does take a little bit of luck as well as effort. In my opinion, you and your hubby both are awesome content creators, and I think your content is under-rewarded. Well, I guess that is why I created ASEAN Hive, so that SE Asian content can get more attention on this platform. Thank you my friend.
these kids are blessed they get to do crypto at a young age.. i plan on educating my baby with crypto too at a young age, games, nft games would be a good start perhaps?
i am still looking at splinterlands, I guess the sisters enjoy it?
Goals! Goals! Keep it up girls!
Thank you, I think it's good to prepare them for the modern world, whether for better or for worse. Splinterlands has been a nice reward and fun adventure for Srey-Yuu. I originally turned her onto Splinterlands just to show Hive doesn't have to be only blogging, and it can be pure fun too. Little did I know her Splinterlands account would grow to be worth almost more than her Hive account.
it's amazing and very encouraging... i would like to introduce the game to my niece too...
Thats so cool!
One proud Dad right here!
This is incredible!!
What an amazing story.
Changing the world
Give thanks, I would've never imagined they would make such rapid progress.
Congratulations my dear.👏👏
They are such gifted youths.
Yes my friend, and she use her talents even if she is in young age. I am totally amazed.👏
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PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
tawadak24 tipped justinparke (x1)
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