There aren't too many things in life that are ultimately negative even though it's called positive. Well, I hope you handle the flu-vid well. It seems whatever is circulating now is a weaker version, but either way you're now "persona non grata," and I hope you can manage things at home successfully until you're allowed to rejoin society.
Here in the boondocks of Cambodia, nobody lives in fear of the 'rona anymore, but there is still the mask-wearing and various other government-enforced things. Well here in Pramaoy nothing is enforced, so I'm not surprised the mask thing falls into this category.
Thanks buddy. Like you have experienced, it's like a cold, but a stronger version. My own test still showing negative to date. I really think the lab has a sort of instruction to make the number huge 🥺
As for the mask. I think it's a need nowadays, especially younger generation is now fully dived in to the Allen Walker trend, had become a new fashion 🤣 not exactly a bad thing if handling of used mask can be settle without pollution.
Sad but true, mask fashion is here to stay, whether hiding pimples, bad teeth, or just basic human emotions. This post was under-rewarded so I smashed the upvote button in the comments. Long live ASEAN Dave!!