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RE: 👨‍⚕️ Hydrotherapy Day With The Girls 🏊‍♀️ Or Maybe It Was Just Swimming In The River


Public school here in Cambodia is 6 days a week, so that leaves Sunday as our only free day. When we lived in more urban areas in Cambodia previously, we had our girls in private schools, only $30 a month, but they study 5 days a week, and the 2-day weekend is so much better and give the kids more time to play and have fun.


Oh it turns out that the school day in your area is the same as in my area.
In a week the day of study is only six days, one haei left for the holiday.
Which is a little different, if the school in public we enter for free, but if it is a private school we have to pay, the edge is not too much to pay.