A good theory poorly executed, reminds me of the trash bins here in the wildlife sanctuary, all fancy with sponsor plaques and everything, but all they do is just come and set fire to the whole thing because it's a fence material just like these. When the trash burns enough to become small and pass through the holes you get the added bonus of wildfires 😂.
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wow, that's even worse! At tourist areas here there are bins all over the place and this is good. Get just 6 blocks away though and there are almost no public trash receptacles at all. Therefore, litter is a really big problem here and most of it I would imagine just ends up in the ocean. On windy days we have what we call Vietnam tubleweed when the plastic bags just fly all over the place.
Cleanups are organized by volunteer groups but it is remarkeable how quickly the trash problem returns. I think the people need to be encouraged to not litter much more than they need to be encouraged to recycle. Anything that is recyclable is picked up by dumpster divers trying to make some cash anyway. They are so effective that I've had water bottles that I wasn't finished drinking out of just disappear from where it was sitting a few meters behind me on several occasions.