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RE: Looking Reasons For People Go To The Mall - Visiting DeliPark Mall

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY3 years ago (edited)

Of course an entertaining read, but this line really stood out to me...

My friend, often pretends to want to buy perfume and then does a test on her clothes, and of course there is no need to pay, we just have no shame.

I had a friend just like this in highschool, and she did exactly the same thing every time we went to the mall together 😆.


Wow, I just realized that I posted too many lines this time. Thank you for the correction and attention @justinparke

I had a friend just like this in highschool, and she did exactly the same thing every time we went to the mall together 😆.

maybe it's a way to keep smelling good even if you don't have money.

 3 years ago  

Not too many lines or too long at all, I loved this post.