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RE: A Bicycle For Srey-Yuu 🚲 Monkey-B Loses Fight With Mosquitoes 🦟 & Other Pramaoy Things


I think you understand my time management issues very well 😆, I know you're a busy guy. Of course kids consume a lot of time, but now Srey-Yuu is getting to the age where she is helping more and more in the house. Monkey-B is also getting bigger, even washing the dishes on occasion now. Thanks for stopping by and sharing some positive vibes.

 3 years ago  

Yea.. having three great ladies takes a lot of time.. Need a lot of communicating and understanding of their needs.. but it makes everyday a lot more brighter.. looking at them growing up.. I think after a couple of years, I will be reading their life as teenagers.. instead.. pretty cool.. =) Great that Srey Yuu is helping more... Monkey B seems to be thinner and taller.. they grow up really really fast.. sometimes, it is sad...

I love reading about family life.. And I read about what SreyYuu said in one of her post.. about her life .. she's got deep thoughts already.. Thanks a lot Justin for making this community great.. hahaa.. the first thing I do every day is to post here.. =) Just to make sure I get one post out..there were times in the past where I just did not find any motivation to write for a month.. hahahaha.. well, I am motivated nowadays ever since I have been on Asean Hive.

 3 years ago  

I am just coming out of a Hive slump myself, kind of lost my motivation for awhile due to being super busy and lacking the energy needed. Our girls are growing up on Hive, and it should happen soon, but Monkey-B promised when we left Suriname that she'd make a post once a week to help her sister. Srey-Yuu will be a teenager in 3 months, and I am simply not ready yet.