Haha, now I'm looking for the nose rock. My wife is one of the pics, I saw her washing in the river as I crossed upstream, but she was barely visible because I was so far away.
This area reminds me a lot of Tennessee in the United States, and we are so high up that the weather isn't very hot at all, unlike most of Cambodia's sun-scorched ricefields that are dry and dusty most of the year.
I can't see/recognize her in the photo, but the stone looks really like a nose. LOL.
Btw, how's your internet connection up there? Places like that here in the Philippines usually don't have a decent internet connection unless it is close to a city.
The Philippines has some pretty bad access to the internet from what I've heard, I guess because of the geography with so many small islands. I guess it really depends on your location there. Most of Cambodia is flat barren rice fields, so a cell phone tower has very long reach, and there are no islands to worry about providing service to here.
For these reasons a cell phone signal is possible almost everywhere in the country, and even here in the remote Cardamom Mountains we even have enough of a signal to run a SIM modem from home.
Urban areas have unlimited wi-fi for $12 to $35 a month, but so far no carrier in Cambodia offers an unlimited data SIM plan, and this means we pay for every MB we use. I don't watch video anymore because it's data heavy, and instead my entertainment comes from podcasts mostly. I think we spend about $20 to $25 a month on data, not too bad considering the situation and our need to Hive to earn a living.
Yeah. We have many mountains too which is a challenge for internet service providers. Cell phone signals are very weak too in this mountains and mainly concentrated on towns where there is a lot of residents.