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RE: They Have Melted My Heart


You're Welcome @janesuiren !

Maybe that's the reason they captured my heart; because they were so adorable. I haven't purchased them yet because I'm afraid they might be gone too soon if I do. I don't have any experience in raising one.


I also would prefer a low maintenance pet if i could choose😸
Ingun si onie ikaw daw to iya student sa programming, mi follow jd ko sa imo sauna kay pareha ta bisaya wala ko kahibaw magkaila d.i mo sa ako manghud

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yup student ko niya jane @janesuiren, pero dugay nako kabalo nga brother nimu sya kay ako sya gi-ask same man mo fam name, hope to see u both nig makauli ko puhon ug leyte. Maybe next month.

Siya jud ang nag invite namo magblog para more income😊 dghan na jud mga suruyanan karon sa Leyte, makauban na jd siguro kog suroy ani😁

 2 years ago  

Start nagtravel jane 😅, lagi daghan na.

Puhon, mag save sa ug dghan😆