The chemical free vegetables in the home garden and the food my wife cooks using vegetables in the home garden : Spicy hyacinth bean salad with pork rind is eat with wild betel.


Hello everyone. How are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family. This post is a simple food my wife cooked using vegetables from the home garden again. I changed my location from the temple to the garden and the kitchen at home. The Vegetables are the main ingredient in this dish is hyacinth bean. There are many hyacinth beans in the home garden now and my wife has harvested them and cooked them several times. This hyacinth bean can be used in a variety of dishes. Such as boiled and eaten with chili paste or curry or clear soup or stir-fried. It can also be used in cooking salads. This dish I want to share is spicy hyacinth bean salad with pork rind. There are also other vegetables for this dish that she harvested from home garden: spring onions, culantro, spearmint, vietnamese coriander. And harvest the wild betel to eat with salads. Let me take everyone to see the atmosphere in the garden first.

hyacinth bean

vietnamese coriander

spring onions



wild betel

Ingredients for spicy hyacinth bean salad with pork rind.

  1. hyacinth bean
  2. pork rind
  3. spearmint
  4. spring onions
  5. vietnamese coriander
  6. spearmint
  7. culantro
  8. shrimp paste
  9. dried chili
  10. shallots
  11. garlic
  12. fish sauce
  13. pork flavour seasoning powder
  14. oil

Chop all the vegetables.

Then boil water in the pot until hot and add shrimp paste in the pot.

Add the chopped hyacinth bean to the pot. Boil the hyacinth beans with shrimp paste in water until the hyacinth beans are soft.

Then use a pestle and mortar to crush the hyacinth bean. And add in a container.

Crush the garlic and dried chili using a pestle and mortar. Then put the pot on the stove and heat the little oil. And add the crushed garlic with dried chili in the pot, Stir-fry until fragrant and turn off the stove.

Add the hyacinth bean in the pot. Then add the all chopped vegetables and shallots in the pot.

Then stir all the ingredients in the pot.

Cut the pork rinds and add them in a pot. Stir all ingredients with pork rinds in the pot again. Food's ready come and get it.

Spicy hyacinth bean salad with pork rind is eaten with wild betel. Enjoy 😋

These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Please forgive any errors/mistakes. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗

📷 Take photo By Smartphone Xiaomi Note 11 Pro.


For me, the simpler the food on the table the better especially if they're grown right from my own backyard. You are so blessed @kriang3teejoe. Your garden is full of greens you can easily harvest, and the best thing is, really healthy for your body.😇 That salad looks yummy. Drooling here😍