Congratulations @tampilyne @coloringiship and @luueetang for winning top three for this challenge.. wahhaa.. have to crack some jokes.. @justinparke thank you very much.. =) whahaha.. @asean.hive thank you very much.. The book challenge is great.. I read lots of books..
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Thank you @luueetang. Congrats to you too!
Have a great day.. @coloringiship.. good night.. how's the weather in KL right now?
It rains every day these days. The rainy season is upon us, I guess.
Ooo okie.. yea lo.. hopefully not voting for GE15... Hahaha later have to use sampan go there..
I think it can't be avoided. I am guessing GE will be next month.
Wah.. scary time.. but hopefully all will be good.. =) Have a great day.. thank you.
Nothing wrong with a self pat on the back, haha. Still thinking about that dosa you shared recently, nom nom nom.
hI HI.. hEHEE.. A self pat is like a self award.. hahaha.. just joking.. just wanted to poke some fun. The dosa is really delicious.. thinking about it makes me hungry.. =) With you have a great day.. btw, is it easy to find dosa there at your place?
Dosa only in Phnom Penh here, many hundreds of kilometers away, what a shame.
Wow.. that's not a short distance to travel just for dosa.. sadly.. I guess the next best thing is to have a stove to make them. hehehe.. =)