Hi hi.. Justin.. it's great to see Mei Yii and Monkey B being able to socialize.. haha.. first time I've heard of Cardamoms.. I had to look up on mr google to find out what it was.. Never seen them before here in Malaysia. It's a pity for Mei Yii that her grandma spends the time gambling..
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In our case the Cardamom(s) are a location and a spice 😉. In Malaysia, I'm sure some Malay-Indian dishes make use of cardamom seeds with green football-shaped shells. I had only ever seen green and black cardamom seeds in Indian food before I came here, and Cambodia has its own unique species, a round tan/white colored shell, and a very different flavor compared to the Indian ones.
Even though I cook with it often, I always assumed cardamom seeds came from a big tree of some kind. I was so wrong, they are small plants, and even crazier the plant is edible too, but not an enjoyable experience, 1 out of 5 stars for "bamboo shoots that taste like Tiger Balm." 😂
Mey-Yii is back at our place now a few nights already, her Grandma seems to be shirking responsibility now that we watch her. What used to be mostly card-playing at home has turned into 4 and 5 day casino benders.
Hi hi... Justin.. hi hi..
OOO.. maybe.. in the curry.. I guess.. it's not long that Mei Yii would want to be integrated into your family. hehee.. It's great to take care of little ones.. But why would she need that fortune? hahah..
Mey-Yii would be a big effort if we fully took her in. She's definitely got some troubles and has been raised without any guidance or even in-depth conversations. Something I've learned this week is that her attentions span is less than 10 seconds.
A little bit of it is because she is hyperactive from all the energy drinks she buys at school with her Grandma's money, but mostly I think it is because she's never had anyone sit down and have a conversation with her. She's used to simple and short interactions, so it will be awhile before we can have a real chat with her.