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RE: 🏖️ I Am Florida Man 🏝️ Hivin' From 'Merica 🩴

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY2 years ago (edited)

Hi hi.. wow.. it's great to see the US again and that tortoise must be a couple of years old. He's living the life. 🙏🙏🙏 My friend in Brunei is a rich guy due to his family being in the farming business. I enjoyed reading your post. Though it's pretty tough to not be able to shower.

I had to google for the tortoise's name hahaha.. the Gopher tortoise. I intially looked at it and thought it was a pancake but then i had to be sure.

 2 years ago  

The gopher tortoise, see the expert chimed in with a quick google search 😉. The other day I found a baby alligator snapping turtle at my dad's house, smaller than the palm of my hand.