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RE: 👨‍💻 How To Make A Silly Goose GIF With Shotcut 🎬 (Free & Open-Source)

Justin, this was SO helpful!!!
For you to get an idea, two weeks ago aprox I asked @danielapevs if she had any idea on how to upload a gif made by me. I was so clueless and it was a mess. I didn't even get a chance to upload it since I couldn't download it and, now reading you, I understand it is because I made it way too long in duration.
I don't understand anything about frames per second nor about dimensions but it is something I'm really interested (video editing) and this was a helpful guide talking about those things. Usually, guides don't specify those conditions. I also read your gifs post and wanted to ask 😂 glad someone else did it.

My computer won't support the program since it's really old and it's slowly dying, giving the best of itself, but at least I've got more idea now and could try with giphy next time!

 3 years ago  

I am glad you found this of service, and so good to see you active on Hive again. I need to drop by your blog to see what's new. Staying under 14MB is key to a successful upload. I'm still a newbie at video editing, but I find Shotcut is user-friendly enough to start from scratch, but has plenty of features that will take a long time to learn how to use effectively.

If your computer is on its last legs, I definitely suggest you experiment with Giphy instead.