Telegram is the best. We sent and see the link only in telegram. I talked to our Senior Ambassador in Appics Philippines. She told me to bring you to our messenger but it is better that you have to talk her in telegram. Hopefully, she can help you too. I have friend the same problem with you and her tokens arrived. They will give you link and fill it.
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Okay, I just downloaded Telegram and I'm available via @justinkparke. Let me know how to join or proceed, would love to reclaim my appics account.
Ok I will tell my friend to loook for you tg dm
@justinkparke is this right? There is k? Unlike hive username?
Yes, correct, it appears somebody already has my name, had to add a "k"
Okay, Sir. She is allready sending message to you in tg. Please reply to her message with more inquiry from you maybe.