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RE: A Bicycle For Srey-Yuu 🚲 Monkey-B Loses Fight With Mosquitoes 🦟 & Other Pramaoy Things


Much to Monkey's chagrin, I have asked her to forget the pedals for now and focus on moving the bike with her legs, then lifting and experimenting with balance. She can go for a few seconds now, and I sense within a week she'll be scooting around like this much more gracefully.

That was the best advice, because even when I was learning to ride a bike, you told me this at the beginning, you are teaching really well. Hopefully soon he will learn to ride a bike. However, the mosquito bites are quite swollen.

 3 years ago  

She's so close now, but I can still see that so much brainpower is required that it's impossible to worry about mosquito attacks 😆.