You know, you could have got some real money in my town because I rarely see custom transparent jelly cakes here.
Glad to hear that you are getting more orders now ☺️. What happens to the ones that doesn't get any order or do you only make it when you get an order?
Would they like the taste though? XD it's really just light. But yeah sometimes I think I'm at the wrong place. Jelly cakes do sell a lot on other areas.
Thanks!! I only make when i get an order. When i make new design, i either gift it to a friend or eat it for breakfast. Haha
Lucky friend haha.
Eating cake of breakfast? I don't think I can do that these days. I think have developed some kind of reflux to sugary stuff after getting older. I do miss my sugar cravings.
Ever thought about starting a page dedicated to your business. I feel like it's better to pay someone to market your product short term.
Hahaha yeah but I'm almost running out of cake containers now so I stopped gifting cakes for a while. Lol.
Jelly cakes only have minimal sugar. It's even good if you're on a diet. But for your case maybe it's really best to avoid foods with sugar.
I have a facebook page. I don't have the budget yet for that 😅 i use ads though sometimes. If I get lucky on hive then I might try hire one.
Try to draw sometimes and post here. Use that reward to boost your business:)
Yes soon 😆