I want to tell you about my day at Pramaoy and I finally made my ID, but I don't have it yet. I have to wait a few months first.
Today I skip school to go to Pramaoy, and also to make my ID. To be honest I was a bit nervous, and really scared. I don't know why the the officer that do the ID thing looks scary and he reminded of Captain Harris from Police Academy. The officer even has the same vibe as Captain Harris, and they are both polices too.
Anyway now I know for sure that I am only 156cm, which is 5 feet and 11 inches. Wow I am short but at least I am taller than Khanna, she is like 152cm which is 5 feet so I am 11 inches taller than her. She said that is how tall she is but in the ID thing they said she is 155cm, she said she is short so they added 3cm to her height.
After the ID thing we went to the market to buy veggies, and after that we wanted to stop at a 2500 riel store which is like a dollar store. I don't know what to get so I sorta just look around and then my dad showed me this, well he showed my sister since she is the one that likes this kind of stuff. I thought she was going to get it but no she didn't so I get it, I mean it is the perfect storage place for my rings and stuff. Also you can't just see a perfect thing and not buy it especially for a cheap price.
Anyway I drew this on my birthday well trace it, and I would say that it is my most detailed art ever. I mean it wasn't really clear but you could see it. I kinda messed up the hair a little, and now it looks kinda weird I'll make sure to fix that later. Anyway that's all for today, and since I don't really know what else to write I'm gonna end the post here.

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i don have id yet, here having id should be 17 years old. there is kid id but not compulsory
Here if you are 15 or older you can have a national id. Anyway have a great day