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RE: 🤳 Video Tour Of Our Place In Steung Kach, Cambodia ⛰️

Wow man, you are really in a beautiful place! Thanks for showing us in this video.

The guest house looks lovely! From all of the buildings I've seen, not just in this video, but in previous pictures, this one looks most esthetic. I'm sure you won't have a problem renting it out.

I didn't really get the top secret part about the river, but I see that it is ideal for some rafting, kayaking, or inner tubing. Hope you'll get there sooner than later!

I find it strange how people are generally not into following social media that is a bit different from what they're used to. But I guess that's nothing new. It was no different with facebook either, back before everyone and their mom started using it.

 3 years ago  

Sorry for the shaky footage, a more professional video will come eventually, but at the the moment it's still easy to trip on a dirtball and fall while focusing on the camerawork. You're right the cabin has the best view and is the most beautiful building, so that's why we started with it. As much as I'd love to live in it, I think we will eventually build a mini cabin that is basically just a bedroom by the river's edge. My dream is to wake up, climb out of bed, and jump in the river.

I noticed the audio wasn't too good because I wasn't mic'd, but the top secret bit is the natural swimming pool. Some Khmers know about it and come just to swim in it, but they leave mounds of trash behind, so if the secret gets out and more tourists start coming, we won't have time for anything else other than picking up trash for free, not a recipe for success.

All of my friends basically agree Facebook, IG, and Twitter are dumpster fires, but they also aren't willing to try anything new, and I must admit that is the American mentality.