iHello to all my Hive friends! I hope you are all healthy!
Let me introduce myself, I'm Rose, I am fifty-three years old and I'm not good with writing but I hope to share a lot of things to my Hive friends.
Starting from herbal medicines of Indonesia, called Rimpang and its effects on health. Tips for a more positive mindset, health, beauty, my Yoga
work out and travelling photography. I have so much to share haha!
I like to read and learn about beauty (Lol what a surprise!), make-up and currently trying to learn deeper about investments and forex.
Thank you for reading my first post! See you all in my next post!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Hai, teman-teman semua di Hive! Semoga kalian sehat semua ya!
Perkenalkan, Saya Rose, umur saya 53 tahun dan saya sih kurang pintar menulis tapi banyak yg ingin saya sharing dengan teman-teman di Hive.
Mulai dari sharing tentang obat tradisional (Rimpang) khas Indonesia & manfaatnya ke kesehatan. Tips-tips untuk positive mindset, kecantikan, olahraga Yoga dan fotografi travelling saya.
Saya suka belajar & membaca konten tentang kecantikan, make up, saat ini saya ingin lebih dalam mempelajari investasi dan trading forex.
Terima kasih sudah membaca post pertama saya! Sampai jumpa di post saya berikutnya!
Semoga harimu menyenangkan!
Hi Rose and welcome! Post some of your photographs... I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we'd love to see some of them. Posts are always more interesting with images!
Hello, @sunrose! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!
Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program
If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.
If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.
Have a great day!
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
It is very important to provide proof of brain in this community, as I don't curate anything without this proof. I realize this is your first post, but you have no profile pic, and have provided no pics in your introduction. This makes it very hard to tell if you're an actual person.
An introduction is the most important post you can make on Hive, and many curators will often refer back to a Hiver's original post as proof of brain, and you have not provided this in this post. It's most common to take a selfie with you holding a paper with your username. Not everybody does that, but it goes a long way in proving you are a real human.
There has been a lot of spamming in our community lately, so I am doing my best to regulate this activity, thanks for understanding.
TravelFeed.io :)Welcome sunrose! If you love travel check out @travelfeed /
Hi sunrose. Let me welcome you in a very special way to the community and let me say you have taken one for the great decision in life by coming onboard this unique platform. joining the hive community will add a lot of things you woll6 find useful has you get to learn lot of things and get the chance to meet different people across the world. Nice interests and hobbies you have from medicine, yoga, photography and beauty. I trust you will have an amazing time here.
Hai sunrose. Izinkan saya menyambut Anda dengan cara yang sangat istimewa di komunitas dan izinkan saya mengatakan bahwa Anda telah mengambil satu keputusan besar dalam hidup dengan bergabung di platform unik ini. bergabung dengan komunitas hive akan menambahkan banyak hal yang menurut Anda berguna Anda harus belajar banyak hal dan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu orang yang berbeda di seluruh dunia. Minat dan hobi bagus yang Anda miliki dari kedokteran, yoga, fotografi, dan kecantikan. Saya percaya Anda akan bersenang-senang di sini.
Let me brief you on certain things I feel it important to know about this community. This is a system that is guided by law, which means their are rules and regulations that binds everyone in this community. Plagiarism and abuse of tags is something the community is greatly frowned against and it is advisable that you ask for help if you need help on that so that you won't be on the receiving end of negative feedback or on a backlist.
Biarkan saya memberi tahu Anda tentang hal-hal tertentu yang menurut saya penting untuk diketahui tentang komunitas ini. Ini adalah sistem yang berpedoman pada hukum, yang berarti ada aturan dan peraturan yang mengikat semua orang di komunitas ini. Plagiarisme dan penyalahgunaan tag adalah sesuatu yang sangat tidak disukai komunitas dan disarankan agar Anda meminta bantuan jika Anda memerlukan bantuan untuk itu sehingga Anda tidak akan menerima umpan balik negatif atau daftar belakang.
This platform is arguably the very best place there is on the internet to interact and even earn on your contribution and engagement. Just so you know, you get paid depending on the level of your engagement and also get the chance to meet up with new and interesting people. Do well to take a tour around so you get acquainted with how things work over. You can also join communities that aligns with your interest in the link shared below https://hive.blog/communities. This guide can also come in very handy https://peakd.com/ccc/newbies-guide/general-overview-of-hive-for-newbiew. Do well to take a look.
Platform ini bisa dibilang tempat terbaik yang ada di internet untuk berinteraksi dan bahkan menghasilkan dari kontribusi dan keterlibatan Anda. Asal tahu saja, Anda dibayar tergantung pada tingkat keterlibatan Anda dan juga mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan orang-orang baru dan menarik. Lakukan dengan baik untuk melakukan tur keliling sehingga Anda mengenal bagaimana segala sesuatunya berjalan. Anda juga dapat bergabung dengan komunitas yang sesuai dengan minat Anda pada tautan yang dibagikan di bawah https://hive.blog/communities. Panduan ini juga bisa sangat berguna https://peakd.com/ccc/newbies-guide/general-overview-of-hive-for-newbiew. Lakukan dengan baik untuk melihat.
Dengan senang hati saya memberi tahu Anda bahwa jika Anda mematuhi pedoman dan prinsip ini seperti yang saya diskusikan di atas, Anda akan bersenang-senang di sini. Selamat datang sekali lagi dan semoga Anda bersenang-senang dan memenuhi semua harapan yang membawa Anda ke sini. Nikmati masa tinggal Anda di sini dan saya berharap menemukan di sini sebagai rumah tepat waktu seperti yang telah saya lakukan
It is my pleasure to let you know that if you abide by this guidelines and principle as I discussed above you will have an awesome time here. Welcome once again and hope you have all the fun and meet up to all the expectations that brought you here. Enjoy your stay here and I do hope find here as a home in time like I have done
Welcome to Hive and the ASEAN Hive Community! I look forward to learning more about you and seeing what content you will share with us.