Gift:A Language of Love


According to the book, “The Five Languages of Love” by Gary Chapman, there are different ways of expressing love and feeling love. Hence, we need to find an appropriate way to express our love to a particular person. Generally, most people like receiving gifts.

I remember many years ago, I went for an outstation trip. During the trip, I did purchase gifts for my family members. I bought a box of color pencils for my second son. Apparently, he did not enjoy his gift as much as the gifts for his siblings. I was sad and realised that we need to know what gifts would be pleasing to the person receiving gifts.

Recently, my son and his wife intend to go for a trip. I offered to purchase the air tickets for them. The tickets were purchased and they were notified. I am happy as they are happy receiving the gifts.

All our three children are grown up and live in different places. Owing to the pandemic, we have not been able to get together for quite a long time. However, we regularly keep in touch through social media. We do send gifts to each other on festive occasions or birthdays. Certainly, receiving gifts does warm my heart.

During the Mother’s Day this year, my wife received a gift from the United States. It was a bouquet, and my wife love-receiving it because she enjoys and appreciates the natural beauty.

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