Preparing to return to Italy

in LIVING IN GIFT3 months ago (edited)


It's almost 4:00 PM and the daylight is slowly disappearing on what is one of the shortest days of the year on this side of the planet.

@clareartista is sitting on the couch, right next to me, working on her weekly needleworkmonday post. The wood fire opposite us is burning nicely - is feels great to have so much lenha (Portuguese for firewood) and the two of us are fueled by love and Indian tea, as well as a nice late lunch consisting of thin noodles, green beans, scrambled eggs, tuna, avocado and Parmesan cheese that I vinprovised an hour ago.

Looking at my right, I notice that Clare is looking into a ferry trip from Spain to Italy, which brings me to the main thing I wanted to share in this post, namely our upcoming trip to Italy, next month.

Days ago, the two of us decided that it's probably best to return to Italy, to the city where Clare's house resides, to focus on preparing it for its eventual sale.

If you're curious and haven't seen it already, here's a recent post from Clare about it: House for Sale, Italy


Even though my family ( mother, my brother and the woman he loves, my sister, my brother in law and their 3 kids ) are coming over in two weeks, from just after Christmas until the start of the year, and Clare and I are looking forward to that, it is fair to say that my/our main focus is on our upcoming voyage back to Italy, to the picturesque Guardia Sanframondi.

Although it will be a lengthy trip of several days - as we plan to not travel by plane but by bus/train/boat - I am very much looking forward to it. It is going to be a true adventure.

It also helps to have traveled together before, a little over 2 months ago, from Italy to Portugal, as well as the fact that Clare and I know each other on a deeper level now and have a mission to focus on: preparing her house for sale and selling it (one way or another ).

Over 3 months ago, I was the one who visited her with a mission ( to conquer her heart ) and this time it's the two of us who go there together with an entirely different energy. We are different people now.

It is gonna be fun!

I am looking forward to:

Spending time together in Clare's kitchen, where I can timber things (including vegetable- and fruit peels) onto the floor...


...and sweep them up later

I am looking forward to admiring the stunning mountain view from her two balconies and taking pictures...


as well as to eating yummy Italian food, including Calzone...


I am even looking forward ( a bit ) to seeing Clare's cats again, especially Benjamino, the big ginger cat that is rubbing my foot/leg on the picture below.

The cats will probably be happy to see me too.

That is, if I do feed them and give them attention when they ask for it ;<)


It will also be nice to see Clare in her element again, in her own house. A special space she has lived in for 15 years and made her own, step by step, with blood, sweet, tears, love and dedication.


It's fair to say that feeling good has been a bit more challenging (and that is an understatement) in the house that I have been renting since May and the two of us since October in the Portuguese countryside for a plethora of reasons that I won't go into right now.

We are doing quite well now but it was hard work to reach this state of relative peace and well being.

One thing’s for sure though, we will be returning to Italy full of positive energy and with a plan.

I can/We can't wait!

Let me end this with a couple more pics of Guardia Sanframondi, taken in September/October of this year...






Last but not least, a pic of Clare's Suzuki Wagon R, in Guardia Sanframondi, parked near her house. This impressive machine that took her from Scotland to Italy, over a decade and a half ago and us from Italy to Portugal, 2 months ago, will stay behind in Portugal, this time around.


Spending time together in Clare's kitchen...

I am veery excited for you and really looking forward to see how your life will unfold...

And yes I just wanted to say the same as @anafae such a lovely picture of @clareartista Beautiful!!😊

I love the picture of Clare in her kitchen ❤️ so beautiful.

So exciting that you're preparing for the next step of your journey together!
I do hope we can see each other while we're in the same country. We'll see what Universe has in store for us all next year 🤗❤️

It's exciting to hear of your adventures, travelling to and fro. I hope you get your house sold so you can move on to your next adventure, but part of me wants to see more of you in the Italian house just because I love it so LOL.

No matter what, you will be making progress!

Ahh,, what a lovely post to read just now, my love.... Yes, I soooo look forward to these things too, and to living in a house that not only am I much more familiar with, but also in which there is MUCH more space to spread out and be creative in.... AND which is full of my fabrics and oil paints, with which we can get super-expressive... Looking forward very much to our joined forces, making the house ready for the next owner and/ or owners: it's very exciting to think about approaching the house with a totally new and refreshed perspective!!


13 view from kitchen sun room down to street below.JPG

Also looking forward to a shower with serious consistent AND adjustable water pressure, and a fire which does not asphyxiate us!! And enjoying with YOU all the beautiful spaces and details of the Arthouse: especially our wee coffee nook on the master bedroom balcony... I'll go and book the ferry very soon!


i seen it's very big, there's space for any kind of work there!

Yup! The house we're in is way too small for our collective volcanic creative power! 😁🥳

I love your little cozy kitchen, with all the mess on the floor 😁

Everything will be fine. ✨
Yes, please pick up that food from the floor, it makes me itch to look at it hahaha....

Yes, please pick up that food from the floor, it makes me itch to look at it hahaha....

I will clean it up, as soon as @clareartista and I return to Italy/Guardia...


As so as English not my native didn't hear before such terminology as a ginger cat 🐱. So for me it was useful to know something new. Also I like how you impressed your feelings in this post not only to Clare but to all things which surround you!

That will be an adventure indeed. All the best for your travels back to Italy!

have a good trip! we will be on opposite sides of italy 😂

10 rooms is really a big house you got there!

You didn't abandon the cats did you D:

I freaking hate travelling but I have often wondered how I'd go with a slower mode of travel. I am stymied from trying it by crippling prices though, I wanted to take the kids over to Melbourne on the train (which would take a few days as opposed to hours) but the tickets for that were so much more expensive.

Your trip back definitely sounds like a fun adventure :D