Hallo beautiful friends,
I hope and wish very much that your winterfest is coming into being beautifully! Here is my contribution to @theherbalhive Christmas drink challenge - and above is a short video about the practicalities...
My mulled wine - or Vin Brulé as it's referred to here in Italy - is a mix of Gifted and harvested ingredients, and I decided to make it with white wine this year, as a nice experiment and just to do something different. I mix different and shared cultures, but mostly improvise as to what I have and what I can find nearby.
I put three litres of the wine into a pan, and let it sit with a variety of spices, lashings of honey, and a load of freshly-pilfered oranges from the garden below my house - all day, for our traditional Natale streetfest.
The medicinal properties of the plants used are multifold - though I confess that I tend not to attribute a transactional property of specific symptom vs specific medicine - I tend rather to see the alchemical, holistic and even quantum medicinal-healing-transformative value of a plant/ material/ etc - ALL Natural Food is medicine, and has health-enhancing properties, and the more Natural Food we consume - especially organically grown and from immediately around us - the better we will feel, function and thrive. Working intuitively and aligned with the mystical-that-flows-through-all-things, I allow myself to be guided into What Magic Is Needed Most at this time - for self, for collective, for the Universe!
a potent brew, to warm heart-mind-spirit of all.Thus the 'properties' of the spices, the fresh oranges, the physical and the chemical heat of the wine, the essence of things Gifted - including the music playing in the background by @ninasophia - the cultural exchange, the camaradery and LOVE - all come together into
Our traditional Christmas event was beautiful: I'll share more later - and we're doing another evening of festivities on Saturday coming... I'm stepping more confidently into my role as Healer, Inspirer of Loving Joy and Guide Into The New World...
I am so sorry that you haven't recieved any comments on this post yet, and I've been so busy! What a lovely post infused with the energetic magic of the season. What I'd give to sip that by the fire with you! Love, @riverflows!