It was a random, crazy day, searched every vehicle entering that day. Man about 10 Boeing employees not only got fired but lost their careers that day for whatever they had in their ceo Joe's.
The MP's didn't know what it was when they went through my backpack. Mind we're in green capsules. Well my buddy had some too. His were red.... What a shit show. Over echinacea dude.
Organic like you're doing must be amazing. I've never even considered such a thing.
Oh yeah dude, full blown hick, "where's the ganacky?"
Glad to hear her Ganacky was properly Rednecked up. Nothin funnier than any Foreign sounding word said by a redneck. Croissant That's another hilarious one.
That sounds like a typical clusterfuck.
Cant believe they had a fit over herbal remedies, I hate to think what woulda happened if you'd had somethin really dangerous like mineral water.
Organic done at home is great if you got your feet stuck in one place, but Good quality herbs and supplements are better for ease of access and generally just contain the herb.
Mountain Rose Herbs is a great source in the states, they also have a big network of local growers in tons of areas they can put you in touch with in the US.