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RE: Dried Herbs :: diary of an herbalist in winter

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago

The jars filled with herbs look lovely. What is that grey thing in the fourth?

You made me wonder if I could grow ginkgo in a pot from seed. I like their leaf shape and how yellow they turn in the fall. There are few trees around growing, but I would not pick the leaves from them. I can pick some fruits though after they ripen.


That is mullein leaf! And I think it is a good idea to try to grow Ginkgo from seed, i have heard they take a while to germinate - worth a try though!! Do you have a place to get ginkgo seeds?
You may be able to find ginkgo in a nursery, I have seen them sold as ornamental plants.

That is mullein leaf!

Thank you! I think I have seen that plant growing wild in Poland. It's pretty big.

Yes I can get seeds (I hope). There are few trees growing around, I just gave to go in the right time and hopefully find some ripe berries/fruits (not sure what they are). Would be cool to get one growing :)