One of the magical plants originating from Indonesia is the betel plant. Betel plant is a plant native to Indonesia that has many health benefits and has been scientifically proven to overcome various health problems.There are two types of betel plants that are often used as traditional medicinal plants, namely red betel and green betel.
red betel
green betel
Betel plant taxonomy
Kingdom: Plantae
(sub division): Angiosperms
Order: Piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Piper
Species: P. betle
The morphology of the betel plant is :
1.Root part
The roots of the betel plant include taproot, besides that, the betel root is a sticky root
2.Stem part
the stems of the betel plant are greenish brown and some are purplish green, round in shape, segmented and on the stem there are roots because the roots grow along the stem of the plant, part of the stem of the plant growing vines.
3.Leaf part
leaf shape like a heart, leaf base is curved and the tip of the leaf is pointed, the shape of the leaf bone is pinnate with a flat leaf edge.
The method of propagation of betel plants is to use old stems, marked by the presence of roots that grow on the segments of the stem, we can directly plant the stem by stem cuttings.
Content of nutrients and chemical compounds.
Iodine: 3.4 mcg
Potassium: 1.1-4.6%
Vitamin A: 1.9-2.9 mg
Vitamin B1: 13-70 mcg
Vitamin B2: 1.9-30 mcg
Nicotinic acid: 0.63-0.89 mg.
Based on data sourced from, the nutritional content in 100 grams of betel leaf is :
The chemical compounds contained in betel leaf are:
Based on the nutritional content and chemical compounds contained in the betel leaf, the betel leaf can be used for various traditional treatments such as:
1.overcoming nosebleeds and burns, betel leaf contains tannin antioxidant compounds that can help the body speed up the healing process for nosebleeds and burns.
today I will share information on how to use betel leaf for various traditional/alternative remedies.
2.overcoming vaginal discharge due to bacteria, chavicol compounds and antioxidants in betel leaf are proven to be effective in dealing with vaginal discharge in the female reproductive organs, betel leaf contains antibacterial compounds that have been shown to be effective against various fungi and bacteria that attack the body, such as bacteria which causes vaginal discharge in the female reproductive organs.
3.treat coughs and sore throats, vitamins B and C as well as the alkaloid compounds contained in betel leaf can help overcome coughs and sore throats
4.overcoming irritation and red eyes, the antibacterial and iodine content contained in betel leaf can help overcome red eyes and eye irritation, especially those caused by dust and smoke.
5.overcoming cancer sores and cavities, the antibacterial content contained in betel leaf has been proven to be effective as a mouthwash to treat canker sores and cavities.
In addition to the above benefits, betel leaf has been proven to be effective for helping heart health and digestive organs, strengthening teeth, anticancer and anti-inflammatory, overcoming high blood pressure and overcoming type 2 diabetes.
How to use betel leaf for various health problems.
Overcome red eyes and irritation due to dust and smoke.
Many traditional Indonesian people still use betel leaf to treat eye problems. The ingredients used are a plate of warm water and one betel leaf (don't use too young, usually faded green or too old, yellow).
how to use it:
1.provide a small plate of warm water
2.take one sheet of betel leaf which is green in color and then wash the betel leaf with running water.
3.enter the betel leaf into warm water while kneading the leaves.
4.leave it for a moment until the water temperature drops, after that we use the betel leaf soaking water to wash the eyes that are affected by irritation and eye pain.
after use, usually we will see the dirt on the surface of the plate.
Get rid of nosebleeds.
Nosebleeds are a condition when blood comes out of the nose and usually occurs suddenly.
How to use betel leaf to treat nosebleeds is : take a green betel leaf, wash with running water, then roll the betel leaf and insert it into the nose that is nosebleed.
usually within a few minutes, the blood will stop coming out.
Solve the problem of whiteness
provide 1 liter of water and 7 pieces of betel leaf, then boil the two ingredients until boiling, then let the water become warm and use it to wipe / wash the female reproductive organs.
that's how to use betel leaf to overcome health problems, hopefully this information is useful for friends.