Pink Power!

in LEGO4 years ago (edited)

Hi fellow LEGO fans,

The other day my wife Siena got an awesome deal on a LEGO set! It was pink but that's fine, no shame in the pink game!


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Creamy Pink

The LEGO set was actually pretty cool. It was a 12 in 1 set which was crazy, that's one of the biggest sets we've gotten so far. It was also the biggest one that I put together with our son! It was 553 pieces or something crazy. So many of it were tiny pieces so not sure how much that counts lol.

The little man has been asking for an ice cream truck for a while. One of his friends that he plays with has a giant one that you can ride on so he wanted that. We don't have the space nor the money for that so we tried to satisfy his desire with this. It didn't work out so well but he still had fun playing with it! The ice cream truck his friend has, funny enough, he calls the taco truck. Kids crack me up sometimes!


So it seemed with this one that there were endless bags to open! It was crazy, I tried to make some kind of organization out of it and place them into piles. That worked for the first few bags but they kept coming so I gave up and ended up just throwing all of them in the mix.

The ice cream truck had a hell of a lot of cool pieces to it like the flat squares there that might represent ice cream chests or something.


Getting the roof on slowly.. The company put a lot of detail into this set here, it was pretty challenging to build in one sitting but it was a bunch of fun.


The thing really didn't lack details! The ice cream scoops sitting there, things on the side of the truck, on the roof, menus and signs. It was definitely worth it I think. The hardest part to put together was that giant ice cream cone at the top there. The piece was exactly the right size to fit without any extra so it would slide down and hide like a turtle, little bugger.


The window was cool, it had those pillars to keep it open and stuff. They even had the music speakers on the top!


Just when I thought I was done when I had the roof on, the directions kept going! I had a hundred little pieces to put together lol it was crazy. It was a solid little build too, it didn't shatter when you were playing with it.


We even took it out on a drive with us! He took the thing everywhere, into stores and was driving it around against my better judgement. It lasted a whole two days before it got driven into a wall a few times and shattered lol I had a little anguish there but he had fun and that's what it's all about! Took me a solid 3 hours to put the thing together I think. Once I got started I was determined to finish even though we had things to do.


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You had me at pink.

Hahah yeah I knew I had you roped in on this one!

It was pink but that's fine, no shame in the pink game!


Nice one man! 3 hours? I wish I had so much patience hahaha! Toys for big boys ;)

Yeah it was a long three hours but it was one of those things where you are determined to finish the damn thing no matter what lol

My daughter would love that one. We put together and then broke and put together again a white and blue ice cram truck. She has been getting into it lately :)

Also, the entry picture looks like the little pieces are flying around in a matrix style 3D view :D

Haha yeah it was a really cool set! It's on Amazon and was up for a really cheap price I think, 8$? I'll ask Siena.

He's dismantled it and incorporated it into another build if his, it's cool to have so many different colors now!

So...Cool Lego...But considering your showed your full palm in that photo I decided to read your fortune...

I see more Lego in your future.

Hahah oops, can duplicate it and do crazy stuff with it! I'll be cropping that one out right now lol.

I see LEGO in the immediate future of 15 minutes!

Lego is life.

Now that's a neat build. The pink certainly works for ice cream. What'd be really neat is if you could fit a little sound recorder in there to have it play ice cream truck sounds!

Haha yeah, that would be pretty awesome! I will have to reassemble it first, thankfully it lasted a few days but not beyond that hahaha.

That's one cool ice cream van! I immediately noticed that the brown columns (?) inside the back of the truck and in the driver's compartment feature in the old castle knights sets as flaming torches.

Yeah! I was loving that piece. They don't use that much anymore. The old knight sets were awesome, with the armored horses and stuff and dragons. I miss those sets, though we still have some in storage. I have been trying to see if I can find newer ones with them in it (not looking too hard though, priorities lol) and haven't found any.