Lego boy(s)

in LEGO3 years ago


I'll admit that the term Lego boy could very easily refer to me - I build Lego. Yeah, I know I'm fifty two years old, but that really has little to do with it; Lego is fun and I don't believe fun has an age limit. It's time to check out of life when a person believes fun has an age limit.

I tend to build large and complex Lego Technic sets mostly; they have moving parts, gearboxes, hydraulics and motors and can take many hours to build. They're rewarding though - something to do with the process of construction and creation just feels good. But I also build more basic sets and find just as much enjoyment.

Not too long ago I spent some time with my nephew who lives a long way from where I live. I don't see him much so wanted to create as many memories as possible. We get along really well together (maybe because I'm a child at heart) and, just like his uncle, he's a Lego boy!


Like all good uncles should, I brought my nephew gifts which included a few Lego sets. You can see him in the main post image above showing off one of those sets we built together, a snow mobile. He couldn't quite get the hang of saying it right though and kept referring to it as a snow nobile. Funny little bugger.

We had fun building it, the first we'd built together, and I spent time showing him how I build sets, the processes, and months later I'm pleased to hear they sunk.

Not too long ago I found out he and his parents will be spending a few weeks down here with me over the Christmas and New Year period and straight away I started getting things ready.


I went bought him a second hand bike and fixed it up for him, which I've written about before, and started taking stock of my Lego collection.

As I said earlier, most of what I have are complicated sets with several thousand pieces in each. My nephew is only four years old but has an inquisitive mind and...Lego sets tend not to stay complete for long. He doesn't pull them apart mindlessly though, he pulls them apart and alters them, reconstructing them into whatever his imagination comes up with. His parents promote that, as they should, but I don't want my sets pulled apart so I'm investigating other options.

I have a reasonable amount of generic Lego that he can play with but I'm going to pick up a few sets, probably second hand ones, that we can build together and I'm really looking forward to it.

I have such fond childhood memories of playing with Lego with my brothers and dad and I want to create those same memories with my nephew with the hope he looks back someday when I'm dead and gone and recalls old uncle g-dog playing Lego with him.

He doesn't know he is coming here yet, but when he does he'll go bonkers! I think I might also when he gets here because I miss him so much. I'm looking forward to creating memories and Lego is going to be one of them.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own and are not for your use under any circumstances.


You are so smart to spend this time with your nephew. My granddaughter is off to college on Monday. What a time for nostalgia. I still have the toys we played with. Last night we talked about the games we played together. These are as much a part of her development as math lessons and reading lessons.

Your nephew will remember. He will treasure those memories and you will for as long as you live. Enjoy yourself. Have fun. I loved reading this blog.

One of the most valuable aspects of my life is looking back on memories I've created and I think it's a nice way to connect generations together, such as you have with your granddaughter in reminiscing about your past times together. Like my nephew, she'll carry that forward and it's that which allows us to draw a line and connect the dots through time.

Thanks for your nice comment, I appreciate it.

Thank you!

All of my kids loved Legos, girls or boys. Had big bins of them in different sizes. When their cousins visited, it was insane! Legoland had nothing on us! I love them because it allowed them to use their creativity when they were building on their own as opposed to using the kits.

When we graduated to the Ferris Wheel and it moved? Holy Moly! We suddenly graduated to moving pieces. That was a blast.

I don't think you could have gotten anything better, being age appropriate and all. :)

You are a great uncle and he is going to love it!

I got a lot of second-hand ones at Salvation Army and places like that!

Lego has been a part of so many people's lives from kids playing with it, to parents stepping on it - The worst pain imaginable in the world. Lol.

I've been hitting some second hand places to see what I can find and haven't been able to pick anything up yet. I've got some time though and will continue the search.

It's time to check out of life when a person believes fun has an age limit. - Nicely put (coming from another old guy who still builds Lego)

It just makes sense right? Sure, the fun might change, the activities or sources of it, but fun isn't age-limited and I'll be honest, I find it difficult to respect people who try to do so with comments like, you're an adult and you still build Lego?

I love them, I would also like to give my niece some LEGO but her mother doesn't like her to play with them :(

I think these things are good for de-stressing.

Lego is life...Well, part of it anyway.

The way to my heart is through Lego...Well, one of the ways anyway.


I hope you're well and are having a good weekend.

I love the way you tends to relate with your nephew, that is how life should be, when you make him feel your presence, and just as you have said, long after you have gone, he would be remembering every piece of play you used to have with him especially "Lego.

You might think your nephew has not missed you but have you tried asking the little man himself if he has not? He must have missed you too.

YOUR Lego creation are awesome, the last one here has a caterpillar design.

He must have missed you too.

He misses me a lot and he says so; he's a good kid. We video chat each week and have some fun and good times, but it's not the same as being with him in person. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of his life. Still, I'll take what I can get.

Wow? I know that feelings.

Hehe, uncle g-dawg the Lego boy. Similarly, I made damn sure that my two boys have buckets of Lego in their room.

I sometimes build with them as well but their little imaginations are getting better and better and I see ships, planes and giant robots coming out. Not Technic though. I'd love to but hmmmm pricey here. When I was a kid I would build buildings with spiralling staircases as big as I was.

I am pretty sure @matthew-williams was planning on posting about his Lego soon. @merenludick should too. 😁

Technic is stupidly expensive here but I only buy it when it's on sale, usually around 20% off which makes it a little more affordable. From there, my only problem is finding somewhere to put it all when complete.

My big "vice" is warhammer 40,000 models... I have plenty that are unassembled and unpainted.

I havent played in years but the boys are becoming interested in it. So the old witch is there...

We all have our vices and sometimes we must give in to them.

Soon... going to fix up the garage good and that will be the place we can really build and paint the armies. I need to relearn how to play the game!

That's a good plan. I think it's good to remember and re-engage with the things that made us happy.

Giving my Nephew Lego won't be bad
He really loves toys and am sure it wil make me a very good Aunty 😋
Have a lovely weekend 💕

I hope you have a good weekend also.

Sure, i will
Thank you

Aw, Lego is the best. I have such good memories of Jarrah and Lego...wish I had the photos to match. Creating mems is what it's all about.

Lego is one of the most amazing ways to bring people of all ages together. I'm passionate abuot it.

Actually, I do have one photo... 😂😂😂😂 I might have to write a post about it...

It'll be cool to see it You can use my Lego community if you like of course, but either way, it could be a nice post for you to write.