Now I build a lot of Lego sets, maybe not as many as I did back in the pandemic years, but certainly still more than most people and I have to say this set the Leg Jazz Quartet has to be in my top 3 or 4 sets of all time and is the most enjoyable build I've done in a long time.
You might think this doesn't look like the normal type of thing that Lego does and you would be right - It's a Lego Idea set, which mean the original idea came from a member of the public - A guy named Hsinwei Chi who entered this design
As you can if you examine the final build shots, the final set (which goes through all of the Lego protocols to redeisgn) looks very similar.
One of the very cool things this set does is that it is set up to be built by up to four people at once, each character is separate, with separate instruction books and it all slides together at the end. So I built this with my wife - see took the Trumpter and the Piano player and I did the Double Bass and the drums
Everything about this set is classy, as you can see this is a set designed for adults, and all the instructions have this great Jazz age vibe. But lets get down to building. Right from the outset you can see that myself and my wife build very differently, look at the system she lays out over there.
The Building may have been accompanied with some beer, as all good builds should be
The parts usage on this set is insane, everything is tiny - have a look at this - these are the hammers in the piano, and yes there are about 30 of them
The Figures are some sort of magic, this is the pile of pieces which will eventually end up as the drummer, look at that a explain to me how you get a person out of it - Sometimes the vision of Lego designers just blows my mind
But enough with the build, as fun as that was, and it was great to be able to share it this is a set designed for display and you can display it because it is just so cool.
Interesting read, great shots. I wish the drummer could be bought separately, my son would love it.