I am up Here in Kansas.... So I am the Smartest Guy in the Room.... Dumb Farmers.
Nothin up here but Farmers. And Super Bowl Champions.... I guess those Libturds running for POTUS do not think very much of Us real Americans do they Jonboy.??!!
Watch this God Made Farmers video till the end.... It will bring goosebumps & teers to your eyes. It did to this old Farmboy Trukker.!! @pooky-jax
Banned.Video is thee best real news site there is right now.
Hey who you callin dumb? lol. I may not be a farmer at the moment but you know what they say.."You can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy."
Yeah I remember when they made a fantastic Super Bowl ad out of Paul Harvey's tribut to farmers, I loved it. Man, we gotta get you retired!
Bloomberg is so unlikeable and arrogant, he makes me ill.