Monster Rally 4-wheel Car in Lego | Carro Monstro de Rally 4xrodas em Lego

in LEGO4 years ago



My ideas in Lego always have to do with wheel vehicles, machines and robots, spaceships, and I love to invent new models with my imagination. :-)
When I was younger I really loved big machines, and powerful monster cars.
This last days I've been doing big cars and trucks. :-)

Today I'm sharing a big 4-wheel Monster Rally Car that goes very fast in any kind of terrain. :-)

I also made a litlle machine to show how this Potent Rally racer can crush any obstacle. :-(

I hope you like and have fun with this post about Lego, like I do, when I imagined and made it, and when people like it, comment. or give me new ideas . :-)

As minhas ideias em Lego têm sempre a ver com veículos de rodas, máquinas e robôs, naves espaciais, e eu adoro inventar novos modelos com a minha imaginação :-)
Quando era mais novo adorava realmente as grandes máquinas, e os poderosos carros monstruosos.
Nestes últimos dias, tenho feito grandes carros e camiões :-)
Hoje partilho um grande carro de Rally Monster de 4 rodas que anda muito depressa em qualquer tipo de terreno :-)
Também fiz uma pequena máquina para mostrar como este Potente Rallyista pode esmagar qualquer obstáculo :-(

Espero que se tenham divertido e gostado deste post sobre Lego , como eu faço, quando o imaginei e fiz, e quando as pessoas gostam dele, comentem. ou me dêem novas ideias. :-)

Animation | Animação

Some Pictures | Algumas Fotos



















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Jimbo, o puto do Hive - Eu tenho apenas sete anos de idade.
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This is a nice little build here. It looks like it'll handle any type of terrain too!

Hehe. big speed in any terrain.Thanks a lot @galenkp .


Well, it's good to see you posting in the LEGO community and I hope you'll do so again.

Hello young friend,

Potent Rally racer can crush any obstacle

Wow! I love that you not only create these amazing Lego vehicles but also vividly imagine them in action.

By the way, Thank you for the tip on my last post :)

Your 'old' friend, with a very young imagination.

Yes, hehe
When I see Lego models in my head, I always see it in action or in stories . :-)
Thanks a lot my "old friend" .

BEERHey @steemean, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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Maybe it's the Ninjago characters but this is giving me a very Dakar Rally bive (mixed with a bit of colourful Mad Max)

I love that! That's an awesome build, and I'm so glad you shared it! Freebuilding is one of the most fun things to do with Lego. I enjoy taking lego's from different sets, mixing them into multiple piles, and then challenging my kids to build something - anything - with each pile. Results are usually quite fun.

Good job @steemean! Go shoot the bad guys! I just know you will win. Good luck! (I know it's a just a big car, but to me it just looks like a big car that shoots stuff)