she replied to my discord art, and actually broke up with elon on my birthday battleaxe......
baby is fake. come on, look it up lol
its her art project.
elon may not even know because hes such a dead beat dad lol
and now hes black mailed or some shit lol by her cuz of some violence lol and
imagine if word gets out about whatr SHE knows its destroy his entire empire crash TSLA and the fake stock market as we pour trillions into our blockchains which are already as low as they can go :D limbo! JumanjI! lol
she named it after me, come on now
its so obvious she never had an actual kid
no one has ever seen it
its all deep fakes and u can tell lol
the "end" = Telos
im the new elon
china will confiscate his giga factory and give it to me to runon EOS
china likes me and ccp chose me for eos lol
cia chose me for telos
and flynn chose me for hive
I'm having to digest all of this dude, I don't even understand half the shit that's on here but I did hear he has a bunch of kids and no, I never bothered to look up any babeh pics but dunno, am more into growing my own organic food since the prices are dumb af but I digress and actually am liking Grimes , who knows at this point as apparently we're all supposed to be zombies who just consume, are mean or apaths or not understanding that nobody knows the big picture, especially me but apparently I get a kick out of your posts. What alien am I today, I feel like I am still what you said , a Lyran good gal cat one, who the f*ck knows at this point, who even cares on some of this.
To be honest I don't grasp some of what some of literally anything typed back to me or at me means but whatever, well back to dreaming for a Kia that has rims that spin. :) Maybe I should charge for putting logos on the spinning rims , or one of those fancy things for ads on top , lulz,
ur caroline polacheck!