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RE: Girls getting paid crypto to make games and art and nfts all in one post lol we win against Grimes Critics. Hive proves her Radical Art Gaming UBI system works. They just havent studied ACKZA's HIVE REWARD POOL PHYSICS yet! Shoulda read my discord posts!

in APPICS3 years ago

We need to help empower women to do more with technology on the blockchain.


yes and it can be so easy, going to signup people to steem / hive like youve done. when hive is $8 like steem was hah we can be taken more seriously.

If all the women on earth started TRYING to support each other INSIDE hive, they will succeed, we have set up the tools they need over the last 5 years

its been a while too since steemit started, 5 years, feels like longer. I joined steemit in 2017

I remember so well how we impacted the lives of many young girls in school.