What is this gazebo doing in the middle of the forest? Alejandra and I asked each other when we got there. The vines that came down from the surrounding trees were already thicker than the old columns made of cement and steel, the roof was made of dry leaves, branches, and bird nests. The most intact thing that remained was the floor, still smooth and without obvious cracks. A little sunlight was sneaking in through some branches outside and I felt like making my muse dance against the light. At that time I was learning to use the flash remotely, and this was one of the experiences I had that nothing can fight against the sun, its intensity is inimitable, so I could only take a few shots at maximum power to try to rescue some tones in my model's skin. We took many shots, before she became dizzy from so many repetitions and failed attempts. The path of experience is full of that. I had to embrace imperfection on those ones. Enjoy!
Qué hace esta glorieta en medio del bosque? Nos preguntamos Alejandra y yo cuando llegamos allí. Las lianas que bajaban de los árboles circundantes ya eran más gruesas que las antiguas columnas hechas de cemento y acero, el techo era de hojas secas, ramas y nidos de aves. Lo más intacto que quedaba era el suelo, aún liso y sin rajaduras evidentes. Por entre algunas ramas afuera se colaba un poco de luz solar y se me antojó poner a bailar a mi musa a contraluz. Por aquellos tiempos yo comenzaba a usar el flash remotamente, y ésta fue una de las experiencias que tuve de que contra el sol nada puede luchar, la intensidad del astro rey es inimitable, así que sólo pude hacer algunos disparos al máximo de potencia para tratar de rescatar algunos tonos en la piel de mi modelo. Hicimos muchos disparos, antes de que se mareara de tantas repeticiones e intentos fallidos. Tuve que abrazar la imperfección en estos intentos. De eso está lleno el camino de la experiencia. Espero que las disfruten!
With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
Fiction and creative writing, most of the times, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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You have captured special moment during your experiment. I am sure you will get better at this exercise.
Have a great day.
Thanks so much! You're very kind!
Un trabajo fotográfico excelente, amigo! Muchos éxitos!
Gracias colega! Éxitos para tí también!
The result of the photo shoot is very beautiful and amazing my friend, I like the rotating style played by your medal, the result is very cool😊
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
Thanks for your support! Much appreciated!
These photos are an example of movement, contrast and play of light. Excellent shots and greetings !
Thank you very much my friend!