I don't care what the specialist says. There were people passing behind, the gestures were not correct, there was too much depth of field and that it was not the correct time of day. I don't mind. Karla and Ariday made a tremendous team that day and I kept the rejected photos. They would have closed the street just for us. They would have waited until it was later, or started earlier, but it happened differently, you have to take advantage of the moments and the opportunities. Do we have to go to photograph these models on the street? Tell me day, time and place. And that was what happened. I enjoyed this moment. That's why I didn't care.
No me importa lo que diga el especialista. Que si había gente detrás pasando, que si los gestos no son los correctos, que si demasiada profundidad de campo, que si no es la hora del día correcta. No me importa. Karla y Ariday hicieron tremendo equipo aquél día y me quedé con las fotos rechazadas. Hubieran cerrado la calle solo para nosotros. Hubieran esperado a que se hiciera más tarde, o empezar más temprano, pero las cosas son como son, hay que aprovechar los momentos y las oportunidades. Hay que salir a la calle a fotografiar a estas modelos? Dime día, hora y lugar. Y eso fue lo que pasó. Disfruté de este momento. Por eso no me importó.
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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Beautiful photography, I love the style that is shown towards the camera.
Thanks so much! Glad you liked this selection!
aveces solo necesitamos atrevernos y simplemente hacerlo para obtener resultados grandiosos!
Gracias por el mensaje de apoyo colega! 🙌🙌🙌
Technique is important, but what is transmitted is, I think, much more so.
Thanks so much mi socia!