Lines - monomad - eng/esp

Perfect for black and white photos. I thought about it as soon as I saw her in that white dress with black lines (or was it the other way around?) I walked her towards the platform with flattery and sweet words, I took her by the hand and led her a few meters from where I planned to stand to do her the photos. I placed my external flash at a short distance, very gently so as not to scare away these wonderful and fleeting beings that are my models. I told her how I wanted her hair, her curves, her attitude and I walked from her a few steps away. I knelt on the ground, and at my signal, the magic was done.

Perfecto para unas fotos en blanco y negro. Lo pensé en cuanto la vi a ella en ese vestido de blanco de líneas negras (o será al revés?) La encaminé hacia el andén con halagos y palabras dulces, la tomé de la mano y la conduje unos metros desde donde pensaba ponerme para hacerle las fotos. Coloqué mi flash externo a poca distancia, muy suavemente para no espantar a estos seres maravillosos y fugaces que son mis modelos. Le indiqué cómo quería su pelo, sus curvas, su actitud y le alejé unos pasos. Hinqué mi rodilla en el suelo, y a mi señal, se hizo la magia.

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With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
Fiction and creative writing, most of the times, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!

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Amigo, hiciste gala de tu ARTE, una maravilla. Me hiciste recordar que mi nieto de cinco años me pregunta si la cebra es blanca con rayas negras o negra con rayas blancas. Saludos y feliz navidad

Una pregunta universal! 🤣 Buen fin de semana!

Muchas gracias

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks so much @brumest from @qurator team! 🙌🙌🙌