I found Yenli on my way out of the garden. I had not noticed her presence at that meeting of photographers and models because there were many people and I could not reach all the participants. But as soon as I saw her we said hello and talked about the last time we saw each other. Past sessions in even more distant places and times have always brought us good memories and better photos. That's why on my way out, I took several photos of my dear friend, almost a farewell to that session that, without knowing it, was the last one we did together.
Encontré a Yenli en mi camino de salida del jardín. Yo no había reparado en su presencia en aquella reunión de fotógrafos y modelos porque había mucha gente y no pude llegar a todas las participantes. Pero en cuanto la vi nos saludamos y hablamos de la última vez que nos vimos. Las pasadas sesiones en lugares y tiempos aún más lejanos siempre nos ha traído buenos recuerdos y mejores fotos. Por eso en mi camino de salida, le hice varias fotos a mi querida amiga, casi una despedida de aquella sesión que, sin saberlo, fue la última que hicimos juntos.
With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
Fiction and creative writing, most of the times, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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Thanks for your kind encouragement!
Your pictures are really beautiful in black and white color,
Thanks so much, you're very kind!
Thanks Alot
Ño, la recuerdo de otros safaris, ella cruzó el charco?